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September 2022 Newsletter

September 2022 Newsletter

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“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald


All of us here in Florida are looking forward to a little weather change. This is the time of year where we start rolling out new products (New Hemp Line)! There will also be some upcoming changes in how we hold classes for the next quarter.


We would like to welcome Antonella to our store as our newest employee. Antonella is well versed in all things natural health and is a fountain of information. Please stop by and say Hi to her and welcome her. She is doing a great job!


As always, we thank you for your business, time and understanding as we enter the end of the 2022 year!

Herbs and Oils for Back To School
Many of our loved ones are heading back to school this month. As many of us know school is now much more stressful than years ago. With being in the digital age and trying to keep up with standardized education, kids have more pressure now than ever before.

Many parents and grandparents tend to head to CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) for results when their loved ones are dealing with stress induced ailments and symptomatology. 

Two studies that are attached to this article are recent studies delivering results from reviews on pediatric FAPD or Functional Abdominal Pain Disorders, HRV (Heart Rate Variability) and increased action on the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System). 

It is important to note that many of us turn to the internet when our loved ones are suffering, wondering if we can go out to our health food store or favorite online retailer and “fix it”, or to use “old wives tales". These studies have cleared some of this up and given real evidence of solutions that work for pediatric and adolescent stress and the symptomatology that follows. 

The number one winner in the FAPD study for pediatrics was peppermint (mentha piperita) oil. This oil has shown that quickly inhaling the oil or adding it to the stomach with a carrier relieved many issues of the gastrointestinal system in pediatric patients. This is a great oil, possible in a rollerball type application, to have in the house for when the little ones are having stomach distress from stress or food issues. Areas to place diluted peppermint oil are the neck at pulse points, the stomach themselves and even bottom of feet at nighttime.

There is a German OTC medication called STW5. This is under the brand name Iberogast. It’s ingredients are as follows:
  • Bitter candytuft (Iberis amara totalis recens)
  • Dried angelica root (Angelicae radix)
  • Dried chamomile flower head (Matricariae flos)
  • Dried caraway fruit - commonly known as seeds (Carvi fructus)
  • Milk thistle dried fruit (Silybi mariani fructus)
  • Dried balm leaf (Melissae folium)
  • Dried peppermint leaf (Menthae piperitae folium)
  • Dried celandine (Chelidonii herba)
  • Dried liquorice root (Liquiritiae radix)
We have seen this supplement in some high end health food stores, but we have not seen it readily available in the US. However, this study did have high results for children with digestive issues. 

Due to the nature of some children’s busy lives and their parents as well, we know that some children have constipation. Many parents reach out for aloe vera gel. In this study, research has shown that aloe vera gel ingested for constipation is not the greatest remedy for children and long term use has been associated with hepatitis. 

The last tested herbal remedy on FAPD was with ginger. Surprisingly even to us, ginger rated rather low as many of the studies used ginger in correlation with other herbs and not ginger in isolation. The good news is, even with the blended herbals that they tested, they were effective in the small pediatric studies that were done with them.

The other pediatric and adolescent study had to do with the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) and HRV (Heart Rate Variability) of adolescents going through stressful times.

This small review study reported that intermittent stressful times (perhaps a large exam, fight with their friends etc), that the oils of lavender and sandalwood together were extremely effective in lowering stress levels quickly through inhalation.  The blended oils together worked more effectively than the oils by themselves.

As Aromatherapists, this makes us wonder if we break down the chemical constituents of both oils what we would find. As many know, Sandalwood is an expensive oil due to the overharvesting of the tree.  This is something that will be on our "list of things to do”.

The most interesting and important part of this study was that the long term use of lavender and sandalwood for stress did not work, and that it was that short term acute use was what was tested favorably. This brings us back to that daily use of oils for certain conditions may be counterproductive, but more research needs to be found. 

To read the first study, click here.

To read the second study, click here.
Herbal Medicine Learning

As many of you have read, Meredith lets down time in the store as education time for Faeve employees. One morning she came in and on her desk was the following document created by her lab assistant, Rachel. 

There are so many positive attributes herbs have, but you need to research them correctly. When you do research them, we have been told that many don’t understand the medical terms that correlate to the herb.

To make everyone's life easier, Rachel compiled the most common terms, and in some areas, even added herbs that fall into these categories. 

We thought that you would enjoy reading this list of herbs and what they do in medical terms broken down easily for the non medical scientific person to understand. As always, we are here with questions.

Rachel really did a great job on this and we are very proud of her and the growth of all of our employees here.

Happy reading! 

Click here to read.

Meredith will be out of the office from 9/27 until the end of October. For more information please click here.

Our new class schedule is up on the website! 

Fall Classes


We have some updates to our fall classes. Due to Meredith being out of the office for a few weeks, for October to December, we will only be offering the following classes:

  • Soap Class

  • Lip Balm Class

  • Beginner Aromatherapy

  • Salve and Lotion

  • Stress and Anxiety


By January you can expect the following updates on classes:

  • All Herbal Deep Dives will be online only. 

  • We will be adding 2 more DIY classes such as make your own perfume

  • A online revamp for Beginner Aromatherapy that includes both beginner and aromatic at your own pace


The following classes will be available in person again in January.

  • Kitchen Medicine

  • Understanding the Endocannabinoid System

  • Animal Aromatherapy


We appreciate your patience and understanding while we make these changes. 

To register please go to:
Over the summer we finished up a new hemp line made with The Villages Grown (R) hemp. We now have a shampoo, conditioner, body butter, body oil and body wash available for purchase the end of the month. You will receive an email when it's ready to go.

We have also developed a hair serum and 6 new tea formulas for everyday use. This means that even though they are "therapeutic" they were not formulated by medicinal quality first, rather by taste. They are all amazing. We can't wait for you to try them! 
Rewards and Discount Plan

Join the text crew! You won't want to miss out on our exclusive offers. We're hoping to create an easier and more beneficial way to offer our customers the best deals on our products. We will send about 3-4 messages a month with special discounts and rewards that will not be publicized anywhere else.
To become a part of this please click the link below to sign up:

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Copyright © 2022, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
1016 Old Mill Run
The Villages, FL 32182

The statements made on this newsletter have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician or health care provider. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a health care provider, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are from individuals and do not guarantee or imply the same results.

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