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October 2021 Newsletter

October 2021 Newsletter

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September Newsletter

It's finally here! Mark your calendars! Tuesday October 12, 2021 at 1 p.m. we will be hosting our Grand Opening Party! There will be raffles, giveaways and free blending bar products! Come on down and have a bite to eat and drink.

After you leave? Head over to Mulberry Integrative Medicine, our sister company for their Annual Open House! Keep an eye out for more info on visitors and speakers at both events! We look forward to seeing you!

Thank you to those who have registered for our swag bag! If you received an email that said "You're on the list" then you know you have secured one of the bags. If you have sent in and not received that, it means that you are on the waiting list. We still have other freebies as well! Thank you to those that registered and cancelled when they knew they couldn't make it. We appreciate you doing so that we can put someone on the waiting list in that position. 

This is going to be fun. We're excited! See you soon! 


Time to Change it Up!

We have added new items in our gift line specifically for the idea of holiday gifts. Think beautiful crystal sets, Palo Sando sets, herb and cooking kits. We have listened and brought in more gifts that you have asked for. 

In order to make room for all this new fun stuff, we had to put some of our spring and summer items on discount. Currently, most non electric diffuser items and jewelry are 30% off. These are great gifts for those who want to get a jump start on holiday shopping!

Coming in January!

We are going to be adding a Speaker Series starting in January. In January, on 1/12/21 the representative from Ortho Molecular Supplements will be here to talk to customers about detox, starting the new year off right and their line of pharmaceutical grade vitamins and supplements. The full line of Speakers will come out in December. 

This Month's Aromatherapy Study: Dementia

Here in the Villages, we see many people with cognitive challenges, and also those who are caregivers. It is hard, frustrating and sad. This is a growing issue in our elderly and there are constant papers and clinical trials trying to find a way to help conquer this.

Aromatherapy is no exception. In the Journal of Integrative Medical Research a study was published in May that a small trail of researchers worked with Dementia patients and 36 oils. The findings were that once they narrowed down the scent profiles to about 5-6 per participant, systems of dementia weren't as severe and certain behaviors lessened in duration and intensity.

The most interesting this about this study was that there were no "specific" oils that worked on every participant, going back to the idea that scent memory is a real and true thing that creates a reaction in the brain. While this study doesn't show anything concrete in the world of Aromatherapy and dementia patients, it does show that something is happening. The study revealed enough positive results that hopefully we will see another research team take this on for more concrete work.

In the meantime, this study gave us here at Faeve a true baseline on how to help the caregivers and starting steps with dementia patients to hep support them on their journey. 

To read the study please click here: 

Please feel free to come in to the store to discuss this study in more detail. 

Online Classes!

We have had requests to put some of our classes online. For obvious reasons, certain classes like soap, lip balm and soap making will continue to be in store only. However, our beginner Aromatherapy and some of our herbal classes are going into a Zoom trial this month and next. These will be formatted the same way they are in the store, just now you don't have to leave your house. For additional information we would email you the course paperwork and mail the items or ship them. 

If the idea of these interest you please go to: to register. If these go well, we will add all the Herbal Deep Dives when the January schedule comes out. 
Tis' the Season!
Did you know in retail you have to start thinking about holiday displays and products and have a whole program together by October? I didn't. I am a number crunching, science seeking perpetual student. I am not a retail genius (nor do I play one on TV). 

When I was a little girl, my grandfather always taught me to "know what you don't know". It sounds kind of convoluted, but he was the smartest man I ever met. Even as a little girl I was empathically trying to figure out what these one liners meant.

So when I opened the store, I looked around and said...ok, I know how every single one of these products can help someone. I know what problems they solve. But how do I tell everyone else?

Know what you don't know. 

So after some searching I find Sheri Kay Hoff. She is a business coach that merges my deep spiritual belief of how the world works, with business and more importantly with retail. 

Every few weeks Sheri and I meet up and we talk. Most of the time it's good, this week it was:

"So what promotions are you going to run for the holidays?"

Blank stare. Sigh.

I hate these questions. So we worked through it. This is what we came up with....

No huge Black Friday, no everyday promotions. Just want to keep it simple. 

So we are going to do Marvelous Mondays...every Monday morning at 8 am there will be an email of what the special is that day. Maybe 50% off all gift sets, 35% off Blending Bar, 25% off retail oils...not sure yet but I'll get there.

What I will tell you that everything in the store at one point on a Monday in December will be on sale, including gift cards and classes. So keep your eyes peeled!

Hopefully, I pass Sherri's test :-). 

~Happy Fall and Holiday Season to everyone
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Copyright © 2021, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
1016 Old Mill Run
The Villages, FL 32182

The statements made on this newsletter have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician or health care provider. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a health care provider, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are from individuals and do not guarantee or imply the same results.

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