Gen X was the Generation that happened while the Baby Boomers were hustling. Seen but not heard they formed feral alliances as children and got themselves in all sorts of trouble that many people don't know about today. This is the Generation that is so happy there were no cell phones when they were growing up, although they can't live without them now.
This is Meredith's Generation. Coming into her 50's now, she has her own set of physical aches, pains and ailments. Since 40, it;s all been downhill, starts with getting readers and everything else follows.
This Generation has really been at the epicenter of watching chemicals get added to everything. Watching what they did to people, and want something more natural.
These products are the ones she and her friends in her age group use for all sorts of issues. From when that ache would go away in a few hours, and isn't now. For skin that isn't as supple. Who still want to teeter on the line of not wanting to to burn, but wanting the Vitamin D.
These are the Gen X Products: