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My 10 Year Check-In 2020 Style

My 10 Year Check-In 2020 Style

Happy New Year Faeve Tribe! 

I hope that each and every one of you had a beautiful holiday season. Our season was quiet, as we really had just returned from Ireland and Christmas was upon us. Our family is small and we were blessed to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with close friends that are family.

This New Year will be 2020. Although because of the new decade, it tends to hold more value to many that other years, it holds a strange value to me. 

This is a check in year for me. See I was born in 1975, so every 5 and 0 year is what I had made a check in year for myself. Where are my goals, my dreams, my passions. Are they where they are supposed to be? If not, how do I fix them.

So I get very pensive this time of year. Quiet, introverted. I spend a lot of time looking at the sky and checking in with myself. What do I want the next 5 years to look like, the next 10? A dear friend of mine started me on the 10 year goal. She's a life coach and said if you don’t look at the ten, you don’t get to the 5. It’s an interesting way of looking at things.

So I decided to do my 10 year check in with myself. The best part was in 2010 when my daughter Maeve was born. She's more than anyone could ask for in a child and I am truly blessed that she picked me to be her Mom. 

The check in from 2015 was terrible. That was a hit bottom year. It’s when I couldn’t look down anymore, because I was stuck there. I slowly pulled myself out in 2016 and relearned who I needed to be to survive in the world I was in. Who I needed to be as a wife, a mother, and employer. All of these things. 

It was 2016 that I started to get into natural medicine and school. I started to understand the importance of names such as Robert Tisserand, Kurt Schnabelt, Sylla Sheppard Hanger, Jade Shutes and Andrea Butje.

I was fortunate enough for the last few years to train under these pioneers in my field. I have developed a mentorship program with Peter Holmes, a true pioneer in the world of Chinese Medicine and Aromatherapy. 

This year 2020, I will wrap up my year with a published journal article and my last intensive training in San Fran with the master Jeanne Rose. I am so fortunate to be able to do this and advance my education and finish on such an amazing note.

This year, I will have 2,000 hours, not counting clinical under my belt. Know what I know? I know I still don’t know a lot.

Science, like many things in life is a dig deep idea, once you master one, another pops its head. I’ve been using those two words a lot in my teachings and thoughts - dig deep. What does dig deep mean for you? That’s a question for you for 2020.

Next week, I'll go deeper into the concept of resolutions and introduce you to something called Individual Prescriptions, so be sure to check back!

Happy New Year!

- Mere'

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