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July 2022 Newsletter

July 2022 Newsletter

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Welcome to July! Is it finally summer now? It seems like heat wise summer has been here for months now, but as I recently read….Florida just “preheats” in May and June. We’ve had some burning days for sure already. 

So what have we been doing in this heat? For one, we have been getting our first order ready for The Villages Grown. As many of you know, their Sawgrass location is opening soon and the Faeve line has been included in their retail area. This is a big move for us because it’s the first time we will have a product not just in our retail location and not just in offices of medical practitioners. The Villages Grown has also asked us to research a line of body products such as shampoos etc. using a distilling and infusion process of the plants they grow at the greenhouses. We have been diligently working out kinks and hope to perfect it and have it out to market by September.

We are certainly busy, but we are also grateful. Slow season has come upon us and we thank the regulars who pop by to see us and check in while in between traveling. We truly hope all the confirmations, birthdays, graduations and family trips have been everything you have wished for.

I’d like to give a special shout out to my administrative employees at both Mulberry and Faeve. As I have been bouncing back and forth between the two, these women keep everything together. Huge thanks to Carey, Julia, Miranda, Rachel and Tiffany. I don’t ever thank you enough! 

Until next time, stay cool (figuratively and literally),

Herbal Medicines for Pain and Drug Interactions

In 2021 Pharmaceutics Journal published a review called: Herbal Medicine for Pain Management: Efficacy and Drug Interactions
The highlights of the herbs reviewed are summarized below:

St. John’s Wort
  • Plant produces a small amount of Quercetin, which is effective in supporting pain relief.
  • Using SJW with SSRI’s, MAOI’s, opiates, tricyclic antidepressants and OTC cold and flu medication can possibly cause serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome is when there is too much serotonin in your body and can potentially be fatal. This is an herb to take after careful consideration with your physician if currently on any mood disorder pharmaceutical medications. 
  • Reported effects of taking SJW with sertraline can cause vomiting, nausea, and anxiety. 
  • Known for years as a digestive aid, many do not know that its main constituent gingerol is effective at supporting muscle pain and swelling, arthritis, motion sickness, headaches and cold and bacterial infections.
  • Review states that exercise induced muscle strain was not proven to be supported by ginger supplementation. 
  • Review suggests not to take with Naproxen, however, taking with aspirin increased the efficacy of the pain relieving support. 

White Willow Bark
  • Many know white willow bark as the herb aspirin comes from. 
  • It has analgesic properties along with anti-inflammatory properties and has been proven to inhibit COX-2 inhibitors. Making this a very powerful herb to support pain relief and analgesic activity. 
  • Too much white willow bark is similar to too much aspirin: gastrointestinal issues, Reye’s syndrome in children.
  • This is not an herb to take if allergic to aspirin.
  • Best for musculoskeletal issues

  • Known for its wound healing, antioxidant and analgesic properties
  • There are many issues with this herb's bioavailability and purchasing a supplement must be thoroughly researched to make sure what you are purchasing is actually bioavailable.
  • Turmeric can regulate inflammatory cytokines
  • Effective in autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Irritable Bowel Disease and Multiple Sclerosis
  • Turmeric taken with paclitaxel improved the quality of life and pain scores with a large study of breast cancer patients
  • There is a small study that found a possible interaction with turmeric and naproxen. However, this has not been peer reviewed at this point, so to be on the side of caution, speak to your medical provider. 
  • Curcumin/ Boswellic Acid mix (Frankincense tree) was the most effective in supporting herbal pain control. 

To read the review in its entirety click here.
Tis the season to burn burn burn…it seems no matter how much sunscreen we put on, some part of our precious skin always gets hit by the sun's rays.

Meredith formulated Sun Butter because of this very problem. Gone were the days when she could pin her children down and sunscreen them. As they got older they “could do it themselves”. No pre teen boy wants their mother touching them in public….yuck. 

So as much as she lectured, the kids always got something. Sometimes, a small patch, sometimes just a line…”how did you miss one section of your leg?”. The sand got more sunscreen than they did. 

Aloe get wasn’t cutting it. It may cool the burn and pain, but then there was the peeling and itching and the complaining and the “well you didn’t help me” argument. 

Sun butter was born, a glorious carrier base of aloe, avocado, macadamia nut, calendula, white willow, lavender and shea mixed with essential oils of carrot seed, helichrysum and roman chamomile. Applying this butter right after the sun will cool the skin down and start healing the skin from the outside in. Multiple applications within the first 48 hours will alleviate peeling and cut down the pain. This product has been a work in progress and is in our line commercially since March. We travel with it all the time when we are out in the sun on vacation and have it in our bathrooms during these rough months.

The funniest part of this product is that now that this has become a staple in Meredith’s house, when she tells the teens to put on their sunscreen they say “Why Mom, we have sun butter now”. Sigh.

Get yourself some, seriously. Your skin will thank you.

Oil Spotlight:
Elemi, Canarium Huzonicum

At the store, we get stuck on products and raw ingredients. If you saw us from the outside, you may think of us as obsessive or compulsive. We don’t know why it happens, but it does. Rosemary, wormwood, slippery elm….these have been some of our past fascinations. This month it is the essential oil Elemi. There is no rhyme or reason to it, but we believe this month everyone needs some Elemi in their lives….perhaps this is why….

We get a lot of requests for meditation oils. Everyone always goes to Frankincense, Myrrh and Patchouli. They leave poor Elemi out of the mix and we think it’s time he shows his face a bit more. 

Elemi is a resin just like Frankincense that is usually distilled in the Philippines. Its aroma has been described as balsamic, warm, woody and spicy. The resin is produced when the tree sprouts leaves. 

This oil is high in d-limonene (think the citrus family) but also a-phellandrene, which gives this oil antibacterial properties. Many use this oil in chest rubs during cough and colds. 

This is also similar to it’s cousin Frankincense as it supports tissue regrowth and may help scars heal. It may also support analgesic properties. It is very grounding to the nervous system and an excellent candidate to blend in yoga and other meditative exercises. 

This is a hard oil to distill and according to Tisserand, this tree may soon go on the endangered species list. Maybe that's why we love it so much. This is a special oil that will go a long way in small amounts.

Giving Back
This last month, The Villages raised our rent. We weren’t surprised as the Consumer Price Index went up, interest rates went up and all that jazz, we saw it coming. 

We had to think about how to handle this. Do we raise our prices? We really didn’t want to do that. We work with various supplement companies and we tend to prefer the companies that look at their line and raise prices on the 1st of each year and not every time an overhead price or raw material goes up. So the answer is no, we are not raising our prices. We will in January 2023. 

Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. Artist Mary Engelbright stated “if you don’t like what is happening, change the way you think about it.” My mother, the Irish Sage always said “kill them with kindness”. 

So that brings us to our new plan. To offset our rent increase, we are now going to give 1% of our net proceeds to a different local charity every month. It’s not a lot, but it's something. Everything is cyclical, and this is no exception. 

Next month, we will be putting out a list of local charities that we will support until the end of the year. This month will be YOUR Humane Society SPCA. Meredith used to sit on their Board of Directors and is familiar with many of the top tier people to make sure this goes smoothly. 

What we do need is 5 more. Do you have a local charity you are involved with? If so, please let us know so we can put it in our list.

Please click here to offer your charity

In the Works
We are currently testing bases for shampoo and conditioner bars in our lab. If you are interested, please keep an eye out for when we perfect our formulations. In the meantime, if you'd like to try a sample, we'll be offering some at discounted prices. All shampoo and conditioner bar samples are while supplies last! Please stop by the Lake Sumter Landing location to claim yours!
Our new class schedule is up on the website! We have listened to you and added many more evening classes! We are excited to teach you! 
To register please go to:

Rewards and Discount Plan

Join the text crew! You won't want to miss out on our exclusive offers. We're hoping to create an easier and more beneficial way to offer our customers the best deals on our products. We will send about 3-4 messages a month with special discounts and rewards that will not be publicized anywhere else.
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Copyright © 2022, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
1016 Old Mill Run
The Villages, FL 32182

The statements made on this newsletter have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician or health care provider. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a health care provider, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are from individuals and do not guarantee or imply the same results.

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