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December 2022 Newsletter

December 2022 Newsletter

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An Interview by John B. Tabb

I sat with chill December
Beside the evening fire.
"And what do you remember,"
I ventured to inquire,
"Of seasons long forsaken?"
He answered in amaze,
"My age you have mistaken;
I've lived but thirty days."

As December flies by so fast, we would like to thank everyone for their support during or big sale.  We also would like to Welcome Kate Stanley as our new Marketing Coordinator for both Faeve and  Mulberry Integrative. We look forward to see all the wonderful posts and information she starts us up with! We are excited to have her. 

We wish you all a very happy holiday season, filled with love and family and friend fun. Thank you again for everything, see you next year! 
Oils and Herbs of the Bible 

By: Meredith Murdock, Registered Aromatherapist , Master Herbalist

Writing this newsletter is a way for me to always keep up on the newest research that is coming out in the world of Herbalism and Aromatherapy. For this December's newsletter, I wanted to bring the holiday season into it. While searching I found some very interesting research products and papers regarding some important biblical history in the world of our plants. In this brief article, I will give key tokens of information that I found. If you would like to see the actual research papers, let me know by emailing and I will send them to you. Some of them are so large the attachments will bury my email service. 

December is filled with traditional religious holidays that span across the globe. Many of these holidays are based on religion from a book commonly known as the Bible and Torah. The Old Testament is laden with plants and oils that we work with now and many that we don’t. From a plant based healing perspective, it is incredibly interesting to us to see what past meanings and current meanings of these plants have in today’s society.


Common Name: Cinnamon

Botanical Name: Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Bible Mentions: Song of Solomon 4,13: “Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates with choice fruits, with henna and nard, and saffron, calamus and Ceylon cinnamon, with every kind of incense tree, with myrrh and aloe and all the finest spices.” Moses made an anointing oil with two different types of cinnamon. 


Energetic qualities: In Aromatherapy, cinnamon is used in times of grief to warm the heart and to bring joy in times of great despair. Also known as an oil of safety. Cinnamon was also used in embalming by the eAncient Egyptians. The herb has been thought to enhance psychic abilities, spirit, success and energetic healing. 


Therapeutic qualities: A new study came out in November touting the possibility of cinnamon oil to assist in the relieving of anxiety. Both the oil and the herb have been known for its digestive qualities and as a warming tonic and oil, bringing heat to the area therefore possibly alleviating pain from inflammation and various types of arthritis. 


Common Name: Coriander

Botanical Name: Coriandrum sativum

Bible mentions: Exodus 16:31: “The house of Israel named it manna, and it was like coriander seed, white, and its taste was like wafers with honey.”


Energetic qualities: This herb and oil have been used for centuries because it was believed to hold the secret to happiness. This plant was used quite a lot in funerals in Greek and Egyptian cultures. This plant is known for its rejuvenating and refreshing qualities. 


Therapeutic qualities: Coriander is usually the seed of the plant, it’s leaves are known in common terms as cilantro. This is an herb to have in your repertoire for digestive issues and used in natural plant detoxing. This herb is also said to assist in the support of assimilating other nutrients into the body. As an essential oil, we like using this plant with lime for an amazing energetic response from the Central Nervous System. 


Common Name: Juniper

Botanical name: Juniperus communis

Bible Mentions: Isaiah 41:19 “I will set junipers in the wasteland, the fir and cypress together”.


Energetic qualities: Used to guard against negative energy, the line in Exodus could be used as a protection against evil spirits. Known throughout history energetically to dispel negative energy. 


Therapeutic qualities: Another herb that is helpful to the digestive system, Juniper is also known for use as what one would call an immune boosting plant, being used many centuries ago against plague and other contagious diseases. It’s a wonderful plant to support conditions and symptoms from arthritis and joint pain. Also used in essential oils for wound healing and the berries are also known for supporting autoimmune, gastrointestinal and diabetes. 


Common Name: Cypress

Botanical Name: Cupressus sempervirens

Bible Mention: Isaiah 44:14: “He cut down cedars, or perhaps took a cypress oak. He let it grow among the trees of the first, or planted a pine and the rain made it grow.”


Energetic qualities: Typically used in energetic practices to revitalize one's energy, promote clearer thinking and emotional strength and stability. 


Therapeutic qualities: Used by all types of healers throughout the world, cypress is known for its respiratory benefits and supporting circulation. Oil and herb are both used in female menstrual support. More and more studies are coming out on this plant. Note that the oil is much more popular than the herb due to different species. 


Common Name: Black Cumin Seed, Black Seed 

Botanical name: Nigella Sativa

Bible Mention: Isaiah 28:25: “When he hath made plain the face thereof, doth he not cast abroad the fitches, and scatter the cumin”.


Energetic qualities: Known for its qualities to create and stimulate the brain and improve memory. Used more on physical conditions than energetic conditions. 


Therapeutic qualities: Arabs used to call this oil “miracle cure” for almost everything. Today’s research reports support for inflammation, memory, immune system modulation and possible respiratory conditions. 

There are two companies that make this into essential oil. It is very costly, but the essential oil is used very much like the herb oil. 

Everyday herbs such as onion, garlic, cucumber and walnut have also been mentioned in the old testament. Oils such as Frankincense, Myrrh, Spikenard and Sandalwood have also been mentioned.


To know that plants and their materials have been around before biblical times and are still used in today’s society is nothing short of magical. Remember to add these “mystical plants” in your diffuser, food and even drinks as you prepare for your “reason of the season”. 

Aromatherapy Through the Years

When I decided to go to school for Aromatherapy, many people in my world thought I was a little off my rocker to say the least. To many, these little bottles of oil were just a multi level marketing ploy to get you to spend money on another snake oil that promises the world.


Truth be told, so did I. However, when I started to see people getting hurt by these oils, I thought that if something could hurt, it must be that it can also help. 


I wasn’t the only one. In the past 10 years, the business of aromatherapy has boomed. From a dollar standpoint the essential oil business went from 3 billion in 2014 to 6 billion this year, with a projected jump to 11 billion in 2024.


Yes, that is a lot of money but what I wanted to know is the science backing those numbers? So I went to the National Institutes of Health and looked at actual published research for essential oils from 2012- 2022. I was quite shocked and pleased to see the results.


Published studies on Aromatherapy in the last 10 years














In the past 10 years, the amount of published studies has doubled. These numbers are just what has actually been approved and published. There are 100’s of other studies happening that may never see publication for NIH. However, the idea that these studies have doubled shows me that the popularity of using essential oils as a complementary and alternative health care wellness protocol is gaining steam. People are starting to understand that there are more to these volatile compounds than meets the eye. 

Speaker Series 2023

We are starting up our speaker series for 2023. These events are free to the public. We ask tor a RSVP just so we know how many chairs to put out. 

Wednesday 1/18/2023: 1 pm: Jean Schaich will be speaking on energy healing and tools such as crystals in this informative chat. 


Thursday February 2nd at 11am: Dylan Pate from Ortho Molecular will be here to talk about supplementation for Heart Health.


March: TBD and will be announced in January: Peggy Schochet Vice President of the Florida Native Plant Society Lake Beautyberry Chapter will speak about growing and harvesting medicinal herbs in our area with our soil conditions. Peggy is Meredith's aunt, so you can see how they keep plant medicine in the family. They will figure out the date over Christmas Dinner :-).

Herb/Oil Profile: Spike Lavender 

Spike Lavender is one of our favorite oils here in the store. It has the beauty of “regular” lavender, but the therapeutic value of some of our therapeutic favorites. Where “regular” lavender is usually found in Bulgaria and France, Spike Lavender is found usually in Spain and it is more of an evergreen shrub than a flower. Some Aromatherapists call Spike lavender the ‘male’ lavender and “regular” lavender the ‘female’ lavender. 


Spike Lavender’s botanical name is Lavandula Latifolia as compared to “regular” lavender Lavandula Angustifolia.Spike Lavender is higher in chemical components alpha and beta pinene and 1,8 cineole than its Lavender cousin. I like to explain to people that Spike Lavender is the cousin to Lavender and Rosemary. Spicy and warm, but with that gorgeous lavender undertone. We love using this in respiratory formulas, especially for sinuses. The 1,8 cineole gives the effect of that of Eucalyptus. Many Aromatherapists find this oil particularly useful in pain and muscle sprain support. 


Studies done on this oil report that it shows positive support as an insect repellent, including termites. Also, in studies done on mice, this oil has shown to be protective against certain bacteria such as listeria and staph infections. Another study found that the plant by-product after distillation of the plant for essential oils was extremely high in antioxidants, giving way for again more research to be done on this wonderful plant. 


The herb and oil Lavandin that you may see in stores is truly the cross breeding of these two plants. This cross breeding has been studied and shown in the preliminary research of this plant in cell death of human leukemia cells. This was an exciting finding and one that will hopefully lead to more peer reviewed studies for future cancer research. 

Holiday Classes and Parties 

Our soap and lip blam classes are starting to fill up for the holiday season. This is always our busiest time of year because you can make a large quanity of product for a low price and have fun while doing it! Best gifts ever!

Have a group of friends? We shut down the store for you and let you bring in food and libations while making your products. We can hold up to 10 people at a time.

For parties please email

To see our schedule please click here
Holiday Hours at Faeve Apothecary

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas. During the holidays we want to be able to spend time with friends and family that we don't normally get to see. We apologize for any inconvenience these change in hours may cause. 

Christmas Eve 12/24/22: We will open early at 9 am and close at Noon.
Christmas Day 12/25/22: CLOSED
New Years Eve 12/31/22: We will open early at 9 am and close at Noon.
New Years Day 1/1/23: CLOSED
Rewards and Discount Plan

Join the text crew! You won't want to miss out on our exclusive offers. We're hoping to create an easier and more beneficial way to offer our customers the best deals on our products. We will send about 3-4 messages a month with special discounts and rewards that will not be publicized anywhere else.
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Our mailing address is:
1016 Old Mill Run
The Villages, FL 32182

The statements made on this newsletter have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician or health care provider. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a health care provider, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are from individuals and do not guarantee or imply the same results.

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