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August 2022 Newsletter

August 2022 Newsletter

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Like I say to my friends up North, August is our version of January and February. No one wants to leave the house because it’s too hot. Walking around outside can even be dangerous for some. I hope that everyone is finding a way to stay cool. 

Last month in July, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature declared monarch butterflies endangered. This comes at a time in our area where it is so hot, it’s hard to get anything to grow. This is a grave concern for those in the phytotherapy world, because butterflies help produce plants. Without our plants we cannot do our jobs. If you are a gardener or even just a garden hobbyist please consider going to to send a self addressed stamped envelope to them and they will send you seeds you can plant to attract monarchs and help them. The seeds are free, you just have to send the envelope. 

Other than that here at Faeve we are just carrying on in the heat. Playing with potential new products, doing research and believe it or not, getting ready for the holiday season. 

As always, we thank all of you for your business, questions and comments. We take them all very seriously. We all appreciate you more than you know.

Until next time, stay cool (figuratively and literally),

Eucalyptus Oils- How many are there?

Eucalyptus Oils are one of the most popular essential oils. People come into the store weekly and ask “Do you have Eucalyptus Oil”? 

We always ask them “What type?”- 90 percent of the time we get a blank stare. 

There are over 700 types of eucalyptus plants in the world. There are 9 types of Eucalyptus essential oils. We differentiate these by their botanical names. The 4 most popular Eucalyptus Essential Oils are:


Eucalyptus Globulus: This is the most common type of Eucalyptus and the one that most people are looking for when they say “Do you have Eucalyptus?”.

This oil is sometimes referred to as blue gum eucalyptus. This oil is usually sourced from China, Spain, France and Madagascar. This oil is high in 1,8 cineole, which is what gives it that “medicinal” scent.

This oil is used for a variety of conditions including but not limited to:
  • As an analgesic
  • As an expectorant
  • As an immune system stimulant
  • As an insect repellent
  • As a support to respiratory issues including bronchitis
  • As a support to muscle strains and sprains
  • As a support to increase concentration

This oil should never be put near infants and should never be ingested by children or adults. Results could be fatal. 

Eucalyptus Dives: This is another common form of Eucalyptus. It is sometimes known as broad leaf Eucalyptus and is usually sourced in South Africa. This oil is high in piperitone. This plant is sourced to create synthetic menthol and has a peppermint type feel to it. 

This oil is used for conditions such as:
  • As a support to those with arthritis, osteo and rheumatoid
  • As a support to lower fever
  • As a support to nervous exhaustion
  • As a support to stress and tension headaches

Eucalyptus Radiata: Another type of Eucalyptus oil that is also called narrow leaved peppermint Eucalyptus. This oil is mainly sourced from Australia. This oil is high in 1,8 cineole like E. Globulus, but then also has additional constituents such an linalool in it, making it a “milder” oil. Linalool is a major constituent in Lavender, just to give a simple comparison. 

This oil is used to support conditions such as:
  • Anti-inflammatory processes
  • Viral and bacterial infections
  • Sinus issues
  • Flu
  • Headaches 
  • Exhaustion

As you can see from the conditions this type of eucalyptus could be considered milder than Globulus but stronger than Dives.

Eucalyptus Citriodora: This type of Eucalyptus, better known as lemon Eucalyptus is high in the chemical constituent of citronellal, which is also the active constituent in citronella. This type is usually sourced in Australia or Brazil. 

This oil is used to support conditions such as:
  • Athlete's foot
  • Fungal infections
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Possibly lowers blood pressure in some studies
  • Colds and fevers 
  • Eases shingles pain in some

All of these different types of Eucalyptus plants have great traits depending on what you are seeking. So next time someone asks you what kind of Eucalyptus you are looking for, you can definitely tell them which one. 
South African Order is Coming!

For those a part of our FNO site, please note that we have a shipment of oils coming in from South Africa this month. Oils such as Clary Sage, Mandarin, Tangerine, Vetiver, Ginger and Oregano are on the way. As many of you know, these oils are superb, and you are getting them directly from the farm where they were distilled. Not only is this much more affordable, but it also gives us peace of mind knowing that we are sourcing from the most purest places on the earth. Look for that email with all the availability (there are some special carriers coming in as well) mid to late August.

Want to get on the list? Click here!
The Story of Eczatonic

We specialize in skin conditions at Faeve. Our love for skin conditions came when Meredith was working full time in the medical practice with the lab in the back of the house of the practice. The doctors would come to her and say “can you look at this” and it would be a rash that no one seemed able to figure out. Meredith would spend hours researching what it could be and how to support calming it naturally.

This brought her to the world of carrier oils. She took classes and realized that carrier oils sometimes were more important in a formulation than essential oils. This is definitely a true statement in skin care.

Carrier oils are typically called “carrier” because they “carry” the essential oils into the skin. But what she found out over time was that they were a superior product all on their own.

In the past year, we have pictures in our client portal of various rashes, burns, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis cases. The reason people have gotten these rashes is very different due to different conditions.

Each time we would formulate a new skin protocol for a client. Then one day we had 3 requests for formulations for skin. That was the day Eczatonic was born.

We took 20 different formulations for skin conditions and went through every one of the ingredients. Then we looked into each one of those ingredients for overall skin sensitivity issues, allergies and potential other issues with common skin medications. We then took this list of ingredients and looked at them from a chemical standpoint, were we duplicating to get too much of a chemical constituent? Then we looked at lipids, function and vitamins of our carrier oils. 

Eczatonic was born. This skin formulation was manufactured for short term use only. Once the skin condition dissipates, it is not needed anymore. We have seen it work in 3 days to 3 weeks depending on the condition. 

Our carriers include: Argan Oil, Unrefined avocado oil, baobab oil, Tamanu oil, Black cumin seed oil, Cucumber seed oil, Watermelon seed oil and Hemp seed oil. These carriers are then mixed with an essential oil blend of Tea Tree, Myrrh, Hyssop, Carrot Seed, Yarrow, Opoponax, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Patchouli, Gingergrass and Palmarosa oils. 

Anti-bacterial, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, skin softening, moisturizing but also astringent, full of vitamins and important lipids for your skin. These are some of the ways to describe this product. All pure and natural ingredients. All for those pesky skin conditions that we have a hard time handling. 

Want to look at it some more? Click Here!

Faeve at Sawgrass
Exciting Times! Sawgrass, The Villages newest shopping plaza is open! This is an indoor marketplace anchored by The Villages Grown and other shoppes. We are very fortunate to be featured there. Make sure you stop by McGrady’s Pub while you are there! The food is excellent!
Aromatherapy With Vitas

Last month Meredith started her rotation with Vitas Healthcare, a national Hospice company here in The Villages. After the death of her parents when she was in her late 20’s and early 30’s she has always been passionate about our final transition. She has been working with Vitas for some time trying to get the program up and running, but Covid made it difficult. She is now seeing Vitas patients in their homes. If you or a loved one are going through hospice care at Vitas, please ask your nurse to have aromatherapy added to your program. It is free of charge to you.
Giving Back
Thank you to all those that shopped in July. We will be mailing a check to YOUR Humane Society SPCA later this week!

For the month of August our charity is:
Forever Feline Rescue Network in Eustis Fl. 

For the month of September our charity is:
Beyond the Walls Food Pantry in Fruitland Park, FL

For the month of October our charity is:
Haven of Lake and Sumter Counties
Our new class schedule is up on the website! We have listened to you and added many more evening classes! We are excited to teach you! 
To register please go to:

Rewards and Discount Plan

Join the text crew! You won't want to miss out on our exclusive offers. We're hoping to create an easier and more beneficial way to offer our customers the best deals on our products. We will send about 3-4 messages a month with special discounts and rewards that will not be publicized anywhere else.
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Copyright © 2022, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
1016 Old Mill Run
The Villages, FL 32182

The statements made on this newsletter have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician or health care provider. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a health care provider, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are from individuals and do not guarantee or imply the same results.

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